Microsoft Teams for Education

Assignments App

From mid 2016 through mid 2021, I was focused on crafting the Teams for Education end-to-end experience at Microsoft. My role has spanned from presenting vision pitches to leadership, to leading the experience architecture, research, and design process of what has become Microsoft’s hub for education.

With each step in the product’s evolution, our mission continues to be empowering every student on the planet to achieve more. I believe this starts by cultivating a culture of collaboration and trust. My personal mission is to craft a team that amplifies expertise and excellence, through shared learning and fun!

The following are notable experiences I have designed over the years. Key contributors include my research partners, visual design partner, content writers, product managers, engineering managers, engineering team, illustration and motion graphics team, partner teams across Microsoft, and our fabulous student and teacher co-creators!


Introducing the newly designed and simplified Teams for Education! Learn more about all the new Teams updates here: ---- Subscri...

Grades Teacher View

Grades in Teams

By popular request from districts and schools around the globe—we’ve recently launched Grades in Teams for EDU. This app pairs with Assignments to give both students and teachers a summary view of all the work they’ve completed in that class. While the current view is best suited for assignments with points, we are working hard to evolve the UX to support a broad range of pedagogies.

Simplified Navigation

Simplified navigation

Based on user research gathered since our initial launch in 2017, our team has been working towards a highly simplified Teams experience. This shift to a hub and spoke navigation system went live in 2019 and has been overwhelmingly well received.

Assignments Redesign

Assignments redesign

In 2019 we released a streamlined experience with a list view that highlights the next-up focus for both students and teachers. We streamlined the mental model and tied the UI much more closely to the way teachers and students step through their respective processes for creating and completing homework.


Mobile first experiences

As part of the 2019 redesign efforts I’ve helped establish a key principal that all features must work across all platforms, from the start. We know that students and teachers need to keep in touch and get their work from whatever device they have access to—not everyone has a laptop or high-speed internet.

TurnItIn Integration


One of the most exciting integrations I’ve been able to design is that of Turnitin—which helps students and teachers identify plagiarized content. I designed the grading experience framework to allow teachers to see summary info from Turnitin and quickly link to the full report for each attachment turned in by their students. This integration is the first of many upcoming document metadata integrations.


Rubric grading inside of Assignments brings modern grading practices into the Microsoft ecosystem. As you can see in the video, we crafted a side by side document and rubric grading UX—that even auto-calculates total scores! As a former educator who used to mark essays and rubrics with red pen, then scan both to share back to my students, this one is a real time saver.

The integration of Microsoft Forms into the Assignments ecosystem highlights one of the many cross-Microsoft experiences we’ve built over the years. We continue to evolve this integration to offer teachers the tools they need for both summative and formative assessments.


Teachers can now leverage the power of Microsoft Forms to create quizzes and other formative assessments right within assignments in Microsoft Teams. Combine...


It has been a pleasure to partner with the Microsoft EDU motion graphics and storytelling teams. Together we’ve worked to identify moments of celebration, craft training and support materials, and design in-product growth frameworks to set teachers and students up for a successful and authentic remote learning experience.



Let’s chat to dig in further!